FAQ – How Does My Home Get Shown to Buyers

Dining Room

How will my home be shown to potential buyers?   One of the most basic but most important details in selling your home.  The answer varies depending on the property, seller and real estate broker but don’t worry, it’s easy to figure out.

In Champaign County when a home is listed for sale, the showing instructions are made available to prospective showing agents and brokers via the MLS.  What these instructions are is up to the homeowner and the Realtor to decide.  It can typically be broken down into vacant and occupied homes.

  1. Vacant Properties
    1. Brokers are directed to show the property without any requirement to notify the listing broker.
    2. Agents are asked to leave a courtesy call with the listing broker before showing the property.
  2. Occupied Properties
    1. Buyer’s Broker calls the homeowner to schedule an appointment and confirmation is required.
    2. Buyer’s Broker calls the homeowner and can leave a message with a certain number of hours notice.  Then they can show it without confirmation.
    3. Appointments are scheduled through the homeowner’s Listing Broker.

keybox for Champaign homes for sale We use MLS key-boxes that require an MLS keypad with private access code to allow entry to the properties we sell.  These key-boxes are able to track the identity of the Realtors that show the house and send us notification online of Realtor activity.  It’s a great system for recording who has been in the home and when they visited.

For vacant homes I prefer to have advance notice of showings.  This allows us to share any appropriate information with the Buyer’s Broker before their visit.  This might include things like recent updates, home inspection repairs or the great features of a home.

For occupied homes we work off the homeowner’s preference and schedule.  The goal is to make the house as accessible as possible.  While options A and B are most commonly used, we always work to meet our clients needs.

In both of these instances brokers typically, but not always, leave a business card as a courtesy after showings.

Questions about the sale of your home?  Drop us a note or call 217-239-7114 to find the answers.  We’ll show you our step-by-step plan to get your home sold for the highest value.

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